Rules And Regulations


Eminent cardiologists of the country credited with pioneering work in the field of Pediatric Cardiology shall be the Patrons of the Society. Dr. R. Tandon and Dr. K M Cherian who are credited with starting Pediatric Cardiology and cardiac surgery in our country will be the patrons of the society.


The governing council shall comprise of the doctors who are/were involved in the pediatric cardiac care in the country with post doctorate recognized degree in cardiology or cardiothoracic surgery or cardiac anesthesia predominantly practicing the discipline of pediatric cardiology.


The life members from now onwards shall comprise of pediatric cardiologists (with DM, DNB or FNB or equivalent degrees in pediatric cardiology), cardiologists with interest in pediatric cardiology (with DM, DNB or similar degrees in cardiology), cardiothoracic surgeons (with Mch, DNB or similar degrees in cardiovascular surgery) and cardiac anesthetist/intensivists with interest in pediatric cardiology (with MD, DM, DNB or similar degrees in anesthesia, pediatric or cardiac anesthesia) who pay the membership fees (as detailed). The proposed members should be caring for children with heart disease and in selected cases the society may ask the organization for a certificate to that effect.

Postgraduate students in Pediatric cardiology, Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and cardiac anesthesia will also be eligible to apply for associate membership. The status of life membership will be confirmed once the degree is conferred to them, till such time they will be considered as temporary members with no voting rights.


The associate members shall comprise of pediatricians (with MD, DNB or equivalent degrees in pediatrics), physicians with interest in pediatric cardiology (with MD, DNB or similar degrees in medicine) or other medical/surgical specialists interested in pediatric cardiac care who pay the associate membership fees (as detailed). The associate members do not have the right to vote in the general elections to elect other governing council members.


All non­physicians involved in pediatric cardiac surgery or pediatric cardiology care (for at least 2 years) including echocardiographers, cath lab technicians, staff nurses, physician assistants, perfusionists and CTVS OT technicians will be eligible to become non­physician members of the society. The nonphysician members will not have the right to vote in the general elections or to elect other governing council members.


Application for life membership, associate membership and non­physician membership is to be sent to the PCSI head office in the prescribed form, along with the required subscription fee. Arrangements will also be made to apply for membership online at the PCSI website. The head office will scrutinize the forms and those fulfilling the above eligibility criteria will be made members. In case of discrepancy or ineligibility the forms will be forwarded to the general secretary. The Gen. Secretary will present such application before the Governing council for approval. If approved, the applicant will be treated as a member of the Society. Governing body has full right to accept or reject the application and the decision is final and binding. The decision of the Governing body will be intimated to the concerned person.


The subscription for life members shall be Rs. 5000­.

The subscription of the associate members shall be Rs. 3000/­.

No voting right will be given to the associate members.

The subscription for non­physician members shall be Rs. 1000/­.


a) By the executive body on the ground of damage or loss to society by the said member

b) Resignation of membership

c) Death of the member

d) Appeal & re­admission of members

Re­admission will only be feasible when the application is forwarded by 2 members of the governing

body and voted with 50% majority by the Governing Body.

Membership fee

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Aims And Objectives

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Organistaton of the Society

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Admission and Membership

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General/Annual General Meeting & Elections

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Governing Body & Power and Duties of Governing Body

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Power & Duties Of The Governing Body/Office Bearers:

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